day of January, 1909, the State of Maryland shall be charged with
the maintenance, care, control and treatment of all dependent insane
persons who are at that time residents of the State of Maryland.
And as soon as practicable after the said first day of January, 1909,
the State Board of Lunacy shall transfer from the several county
almshouses and county and city asylums to one of the State Hos-
pitals for the insane such dependent insane persons who are resi-
dents of the State of Maryland as in the judgment of the said Board
of Lunacy 'should be so removed; and all. such dependent insane
persons, after their removal to one of the State hospitals for the
insane, shall be maintained therein at the expense of the State."
In the first place, said Act carries no appropriation whatever.
Secondly, if you should make the provisions of said Act effective,
you must necessarily levy a large tax to meet such expenditures.
Chapter 818 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1906, known
as the General Appropriation Law for 1908, makes provision for
the support of the State government, under various sub-titles, in
these words: "That for the expenditures in the support of the State
Government for the fiscal year beginning with the first day of
October, 1907, and ending with the thirtieth day of September, 1908,
the following sums of money, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary, be and the same are hereby appropriated, that is to say:
Tor State Officers, Judiciary, Militia, Legislature, etc,'
embracing the various branches of the State government. The
appropriation under the sub-title "Legislature," is made as follows:
"To pay the officers and members of the General Assembly, including
postage, stationery, mileage and miscellaneous expenses, as follows
to wit: For the per diem of the President of the Senate, at eight
dollars per day, seven hundred and twenty dollars," and then follows
the appropriations for the per diem of the other members of the
Senate, certain employees thereof therein mentioned, the per. diem
of the Speaker of the House of Delegates, the per diem of the other
members1 of the House and the per diem of certain officers of the
House of Delegates therein designated, and ending with these words:
"And for the above expenses of the Legislature the sum of one
hundred and fifty thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated."