Brought forward ..................
$77,928 99
Allegany County 3 1/2 per cent. Consoli-
dated Debt Bonds, Increment.........
4,970 00
Cash — Transfer from Treasury proper . .
89,891 45
$172,790 44
Purchased during the Fiscal Year the
following Bonds:
$174,667.72 Consolidated Loan of 1899,
Costing .............................
$172,790 44
Penitentiary Loan.
Received during the Fiscal Year, to wit:
Consolidated Loan of 1899 .............
$2,400 '00
State Building and Improvement Loan. .
3,780 00
State Loan of 1902 ....................
1,485 00
Public Buildings Loan.................
1,050 00
Cash — Transfer from Treasury proper. .
102,770 00
$111,485 00
Cash — Transferred to Sinking Fund,
State Loan of 1902..................
$1,485 00
Cash Balance to credit of said Fund. . . .
110,000 00
$111,485 00
Insane Asylum, Loan.
Received during the Fiscal Year, to wit:
Consolidated Loan of 1899 .............
$285 00
State Building and Improvement Loan. .
495 00
State Loan of 1902....................
270 00
Public Buildings Loan..................
140 00
$1,190 00
Cash — Transferred to the following Sink
ing Funds:
Consolidated Loan of 1899 .............
$285 00
State Building and Improvement Loan . .
495 00
State Loan of 1902....................
270 00
Public Buildings Loan................
140 00
$1,190 00
State Building and Improvement Loan.
Received during the Fiscal Year, to wit:
State Building and Improvement Loan .
$3,495 00
State Loan of 1902...................
1,380 00
Consolidated Loan of 1899 ..............
870- 00
Public Buildings Loan .................
1,050 00
Cash — Transferred from Insane Asylum
Loan, Sinking Fund .................
495 00
Cash — Transfer from Treasury proper. .
2,710 00
$10,000 00
Balance to credit of said Fund.........
$10,000 00
State Loan of 1902.
Received during the Fiscal Year, to wit:
Consolidated Loan of 1899 .............
$750 00
Carried forward ..................
$750 00