Acts Authorizing Payment.
Brought Forward .........................................
$721,719 25
Insurance ....................................................
614 of 1904..............
6,742 89
Ice Boat Annapolis............................................
688 of 1904..............
5,000 00
Judges' Pensions..............................................
236 of 1904..............
16,127 74
Judiciary ....................................................
" 255 and 298 of 1894 and
327 and 614 of 1904............
143,363 33
Land Office ....................................................
Chapters 229 and 261 of 1902 and
495 of 1904....................
7,020 28
Legislative Printing.......................................
Chapters 319 and 478 of 1904......
10,202 24
Legislative Counsel and Agents ................................
328 of 1900..............
200 00
License and Tax on Insurance Companies ......................
248 of 1894..............
5,500 00
License to Sell Commercial Fertilizers — Paid to Maryland Agri-
cultural College .............................................
397 of 1894..............
9,780 00
Little Sisters of the Poor....................................
512 of 1902 and 638 of 1904
3,000 00
Lunacy Commission ...........................................
487 of 1886 and 614 of 1904
1,486 18
Lying-in Hospital for Indigent Women .........................
638 of 1904..............
3,000 00
Lying-in Hospital Maternite of Maryland .......................
512 of 1902 and 638 of 1904
3,000 00
Locust Point Social Settlement................................
638 of 1904..............
500 00
Maccabeans of Baltimore City.................................
638 of 1904..............
250 00
Maryland Industrial and Agricultural Institute for Colored Youths
" " ...
1,000 00
Maryland Medical College .....................................
" "
4,000 00
McDonough Institute ..........................................
" "
1,000 00
Maryland Agricultural College .................................
Chapters 289 of 1898, 625 of 1902
and 638 of 1904..............
31,300 66
Maryland Hospital for the Insane .............................
Chapter 614 of 1904..............
31,800 00
Maryland Institute ...........................................
638 of 1904..............
10,000 00
Maryland Reports ............................................
345 of 1902 and 614 of 1904
1,200 00
Maryland Historical Society ...................................
41 of 1904..............
2,000 00