Acts Authorizing Payment
Brought forward............................................
$1,630,590 01
Postage for Departments ......................................
Chaps. 716 of 1900 and 345 of 1902
1,391 32
Provident Hospital and Free Dispensary .......................
Public Printing ..................................................
Chapter 512 of 1902.............
345 ".............
1,500 00
1,000 00
Publishing List of Defaulters.............................. .....
" 716 of 1900.............
7 50
Public School Tax— School— Free Public— White..................
Chapters 377 of 1872 and 345 of
1902............. ............
559,190 24
" " " " " —Colored............
Chapters 377 of 1872 and 345 of
148,000 00
" " " —State Normal School -White .................
Chapters 463 of 1874, 221 of 1898
and 345 of 1902...............
20,000 00
" " " " " " —Colored.............
Chapters 377 of 1872 and 345 of
2,000 00
" " " — State Board of Education — Expenses of ........
Chapters 377 of 1872 and 345 of
992 81
" " " — Superintendent Public Education — Salary .....
Chaps. 428 of 1900 and 194 of 1902
3,000 00
" " " " " " —Traveling
Expenses ................................
500 00
" " " — Superintendent Public Education— Office Ex'p's
" " "
1,000 00
734,683 05
Resources of Maryland ........................................
Retired Teachers Pension...................................
Chapter 512 of 1902..........
196 .............
2,500 00
10,495 58
Repairs of Executive Mansion.................................
" 256 ............
1,742 23
Repairs of Public Buildings. . ................................
" 345 .............
518 00
Regents of University of Maryland ................ . ...........
" 512 .............
4,000 00
State Loan of 1902 ...............................................
" 200 .............
325,604 92
State Vaccine Agent ...........................................
Chapters 716 of 1900, 345 and 512
of 1902............ .........
2,200 00