TABLE No. 2.
Receipts Into the Treasury during the Fiscal year Ended September 31, 1902, from Registers of Wills and Others
Herein Named.
Fees of
Tax on Com-
missions of
Extrs. and
Tax on
John B. Shannon, Register of Wills, Allegany County...........
$ 696 98
$ 1,110 97
$1,807 95
Luther Palmer ' " Anne Arundel County ......
627 87
837 84
1,465 71
Stephen R. Mason ' " Baltimore City..............
$27,265 84
25,734 35
65, 580 26
118,530 45
Harrison Rider ' " Baltimore County...........
3,620 81
2,829 29
6,450 10
Joseph J. Bafford ' " Calvert County..............
136 73
136 73
Robt. J. Jump ' " Caroline County ...........
238 76
38 90
277 66
Joseph D. Brooks ' ' Carroll County ..........
46 66
1,587 76
2045 65
3,680 07
Reuben E. Jamar ' ' Cecil County................
1,304 10
1,211 81
2,515 91
Cataldus H. Posey ' ' Charles County..............
151 98
46 87
198 85
John W. Fletcher ' Dorchester County..........
530 00
339 20
869 20
Charles D. Saylor ' ' Frederick County...........
206 55
2,224 27
5,182 60
7,613 42
James W. White, late ' " Garrett County..........
28 70
80 81
109 51
Edwin E. Friend ; " " " .............
162 70
162 70
G. Smith Norris, late ' " Harford . " .............
433 03
315 66
748 68
Hugh T. Bay ' " " " .............
269 46
387 20
656 66
William H. Marlow " " Howard County .............
582 95
873 55
1,456 50
Clarence S. Hurlock ' " Kent " .............
345 04
105 59
450 63
Henry C. Allmitt ' Montgomery County....
398 19
355 72
753 91
William R. Smith ' Prince George's County .....
299 87
185 94
485 81
Finley Roberts, late ' Queen Anne's " .....
457 48
32 40
489 88
Robt. W. Thomas ' " " " ....
429 67
83 55
513 22
Wm F. Lankford J Somerset County......
129 09
11 10
140 19