Brought forward ...........................
$94,047 21
$435,222 60
$41,000 Laurel, Md., 4 Per Cent. Bonds, costing.
43,161 44
$40,000 Baltimore City 4 Per Cent. 1920 Bonds,
costing ...................................
45,839 11
183,047 76
Balance to the credit of this Fund ...........
$252,174 84
Penitentiary Loan.
Balance to the credit of said Fund September
30, 1900..................................
$22,000 00
Received during the Fiscal Year, to wit:
Consolidated Loan of 1899, increment.........
1,470 00
State Building and Improvement Loan, incre-
2,730 00
Cash — Transferred from Treasury proper ......
35,000 00
$61,200 00
Purchased during the Fiscal Year the follow-
ing Bonds:
State Building and Improvement Loan ........
35,000 00
Balance to the credit of this Fund ..........
Insane Asylum Loan.
Balance to the credit of said Fund September
30, 1900....................................
$1,000 00
Received during the Fiscal Year, to wit:
Consolidated Loan of 1899, increment.........
330 00
State Building and Improvement Loan, incre-
ment .......................................
720 00
Cash — Transferred from Treasury proper.
9,000 00
$11,050 00
Purchased during the Fiscal Year the follow-
ing Bonds:
State Building and Improvement Loan ........
9,000 00
Balance to the credit of this Fund ...........
$2,050 00
State Building and Improvement Loan.
Cash — Transferred from Treasury proper.
$100,000 00
Purchased during the Fiscal Year the follow-
ing Bonds;
State Building and Improvement Loan.....