On the 30th of September, 1900, there remained
to the credit of the Free School Fund the
sum of ....................................
$6,326 80
And there was received during the Fiscal Year
1901 the sum of $79,225.67 from the following
sources, to wit:
From Dividends on Stock standing to the
credit of the Treasurer of Maryland in the
following Banks:
Farmers' National Bank of Annapolis ........
$1,116 00
National Bank of Baltimore..................
520 50
Central National Bank of Frederick..........
957 25
National Union Bank of Maryland ............
358 88
National Mechanics' Bank of Baltimore .......
730 80
Commercial and Farmers' National Bank of
Baltimore .................................
1,686 00
Easton National Bank of Maryland..........
3,162 00
Farmers and Merchants' National Bank of Bal-
timore ....................................
383 60
8,921 03
And from
Consolidated Loan of 1899 ....................
Baltimore & Ohio Preferred Stock............
2,480 00
Baltimore & Ohio Common Stock .............
3,540 00
Baltimore City 3 1/4 per cent. Stock, 1927.......
1,885 00
Indigent Blind — Transfer from Treasury proper.
21,000 00
Surplus Revenue .............................
34,069 36
63,977 84
Making an aggregate of ..................
$79,225 67
Of this amount there was distributed during
the Fiscal Year the sum of $71,561.37, viz:
Allegany county ..............................
$1,875 97
Anne Arundel county ........................
1,914 25
Baltimore city...............................
9,292 98
Baltimore county.............................
2,787 46
Calvert county ...............................
975 79
Caroline county .............................
1,498 54
Carroll county ...............................
1,998 53
Cecil county .................................
1,717 37
Charles county...............................
1,019 60
Dorchester county............................
1,863 06
Frederick county .............................
3,077 43
Garrett county...............................
1,154 89
Harford county ..............................
1,867 79
Howard county ...............................
1,457 00
Kent county ..................................
1,584 03
Montgomery county..........................
2,394 64
Carried forward...........................
$36,479 93
$79,225 67