September 30, 1899, aggregate $1,085,636.49. During the
same period there was paid to the several counties and Balti-
more city the sum of $735,680.42, leaving a balance on hand
October 1, 1900, for future distribution, of $349,,956.07.
In making the apportionments of this tax it has been the
custom to distribute only $105,000 to white schools for each
of the first three quarters—namely, October i, January j, and
March 15, (the apportionment to the colored schools being a fixed
sum and therefore equal,), leaving the remainder of such tax to be
distributed June 15. Since the assessment of 1896 this revenue
has shown a very decided increase, consequently the distribu-
tion in June always exceeded very largely the other distributions.
Section 104 of Article 77 of the Code of Public General Laws
directs the Comptroller "to equalize, as far as may be possible,
the sums to be apportioned so as to apportion and distribute,
the same amount, so far as may be practicable on each of said
days." Therefore, by virtue of such authority and the increase
of receipts, and deeming it to the best interest of the schools
in the State, I have determined to make more equitable such
distributions; hence on October I, 1900, distributed an addi-
tional sum of $25,000.
The condition of this accountJs clearly set forth in statement
" M ; " the receipts being $134,530.97 while the disbursements
are shown to be $150,065.87. As will be shown in the
summary of this statement, this account still shows a deficit
The operations of the State Tobacco Warehouses are fully
set forth in table No. 7. The gross receipts during the year
were. $65,024.84, disbursements during same period $56,467.28,
leaving as net earnings the sum of $8,557.56.
A careful examination of the remaining statements and
tables, showing receipts into the Treasury from various