fiscal year 1898. from Clerks of Courts,'Registers of Wills,
Collectors of Taxes, etc., mention of which to some extent
has been previously made in these remarks. Upon a close
examination of these tables, there will be found a gener-
ally healthy increase in the State's revenues, especially
from the direct tax of 17 3/4 cents. As the receipts to Public
Schools, 10 1/2 cents, School Books, 2 cents, and Outstand-
ing Debt, 5 1/4 cents, depend upon the collections made, it
has ever been my constant care to see that all moneys due
the State as far as practicable were promptly collected
and paid over. It will therefore be seen that during the
year 1898, the Public Schools of this State received $85,-
930.81 more than they did during the year 1897.
An exception, however, to the above increase in re-
ceipts is noticed in Table No: 7, showing the receipts and
disbursements of the State Tobacco Warehouses. The
gross receipts during the year aggregate $40,439.69 ; dis-
bursements. $35,552.47, leaving net earnings of $4,887.22, as
against $78,541.66 gross receipts and $72,283.78 disburse-
ments, with net earnings of $6,257.88 for the year previous,
or a loss in net earnings during the fiscal year of $1,370.00.
This shrinkage, however, is fully explained by refer-
ence to Chapter 314 .of the Acts of 1898,, being an amend-
ment to the Code of Public General Laws, title " In-
spections," sub-title " Tobacco," this Act taking effect
from the date, of its passage, April 7, 1898, changes the
entire management of the State Tobacco Warehouses,
as you are very well aware, and especially as to the time
of accounting to this office. Under said statute the Chief
Inspector, while required to make quarterly reports, viz. :
On the first of January, April, July and October in each
year, showing cash balance on hand, yet "at the quarter
ending April first in each year (he shall) pay over to the
Comptroller to whom the aforesaid reports are required to
be made, all moneys in hand, after paying all expenses
and salaries of said warehouses." As said Act went into
effect last April, therefore the receipts and disbursements
shown in said table, are for only a fraction of a year. It
is but proper to add that in the Report of the Chief In-
spector, submitted to me for the quarter ending October 1,
1898, there is shown a cash balance on hand of $18,580.51,
which, in all probability, will show increased receipts for
next fiscal year.
In Tables Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 will be found the
balances due, exclusive of interest, from various State