bursements for the same period were $61,410.42, leaving a
balance to the credit of said fund at the close of the fiscal year
1895 of $3,583.67.
Included in the disbursements for the fiscal year 1895 is
$4,306.99 balance due on previous fiscal year ; amount paid
Oyster Inspectors, $4,885.03 ; one-half amount paid for paint-
ing numbers, $465.25 ; and for building new bugeye, $800.00 :
aggregating $10,457.27, when deducted from the disbursements
as shown in said statement, will leave the sum of $50,953.15,
as the actual disbursements on account of maintenance of the
Oyster Police Fishery Force for the past fiscal year; and in-
stead of the apparent balance of $3,583.67, the balance should
have been, after the above deductions of amounts brought over
from the previous fiscal year are considered, $14,040.94.
In the report of the Comptroller to His Excellency the
Governor for the fiscal year 1894, in explanation of the deficit
then shown in the Oyster Fund, I said : "It must be remem-
bered that the receipts and disbursements as above set forth
were mainly under the operations of the (oyster) law as it ex-
isted prior to the Act of 1894. The salient features of the
latter Act were provisions for increased revenue and decreased
expenditures, and I feel assured that when the present law is
in full operation the expectations of its framers and friends
will be fully realized."
This report shows the receipts to have have increased
$20,345.40, and the disbursements to have decreased $14,040.94
as compared with the receipts and disbursements for the fiscal
year 1894.
The provisions of the present law, and the protection
afforded, seems to be entirely satisfactory to the large num-
bers now engaged in this industry, and those interested would
deprecate any radical change.
The productive assets of the State as shown in Statement
"I" are $3,600,482.69 which includes the Stocks and Bonds
held by the State, together with mortgages of the Northern
Central Railway Company and amounts due from Incorporated
Institutions, Collectors of Taxes and other Officers of the
State. The amount due the State from Corporations, Collec-
tors "and others, is $684,8.12.69, all of which that is more than