for the interest and the redemption of the Exchange Loan of
1886 is now one and three-fourths of a cent on each one hun-
dred dollars. A detailed statement of the sundry investments
for the various Funds therein mentioned will be found in
Statement F.
The various amounts received from dividends on Bank,
Railroad and Water Stocks, together with the annuity from
the Northern Central Railway Company, (secured by mort-
gage) during the fiscal year 1894, aggregating the sum of
$150.367.60, is shown in Statement G. The amount is less by
$10,532.35 than the receipts from same sources for the previous
fiscal year. Upon an examination of the aforesaid Statement
G it will be seen that no interest was received during the past
fiscal year from the Susquehanna and Tide, Water Canal
The State holds the bonds of these Companies, secured by
mortgage, to the amount of $1,000,000.00, and since the ad-
justment and settlement made with the Canal Companies by
virtue of the Act of Assembly of 1888; Chapter 154, the said
Canal Companies paid interest at the rate of two per centum
on the said sum of $1,000,000.00 up to July ist, 1893, since
which time no interest has been received. The Attorney
General has, by direction of the Board of Public Works,
entered suit on the equity side of the Circuit Courts for Harford
county Maryland, and York, Pa., praying the courts to pass
a decree for a sale of the said Canals, their property and fran-
chises, and for a distribution of the proceeds of such sale
amongst its creditors.
Statement H shows the receipts and disbursements on ac-
count of the Oyster Fund for the last fiscal year. The receipts
were $44,548.69, being less than the receipts for the previous
fiscal year by $7,611.43. The disbursements for the same
period were $56,422.25, being less than for the previous year
by $34,879.78. Instead of a balance to the credit of this Fund
at the close of the fiscal year, there was a deficit of $4.306.99,
which amount has been charged against the receipts of the
Fund for the current fiscal year.
It must be remembered that the receipts and disburse-
ments as above set forth were mainly under the operations of