TABL.E NO. 5—Continued.
Catonsville Short Line R R. Co........................................
185 00
Cambridge and Seaford R. R. Co.......................................
198 04
Columbia and Port Deposit R. R. Co.................................
1,232 81
Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co.............................
5,314 24
Cumberland Valley R. R. Co............................................
852 29
Delaware and Chesapeake Railway Co ..............................
764 57
Delaware, Maryland and Virginia R. R. Co........................
815 92
Edison Electric Illuminating Co................................
115 06
Emmittsburg R. R. Co.....................................................
67 79
Easton Gas and Electric Light Co......................................
18 89
Frederick and Pennsylvania Line R . R. Co ........................
537 80
Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland................................
1,616 14
Gunpowder Valley R. R. Co.............................................
30 68
George's Creek and Cumberland R. R. Co..........................
4,039 43
J. A. Cranston Co., Delaware............................................
22 50
Kent Comity Telephone Co..............................................
9 27
Lonaconing Electric Light and Power Co...........................
25 31
Monocacv Valley R R, Co................................................
4 66
Mercantile Trust and Deposit Co.......................................
4,289 00
Maryland Title Insurance and Trust. Co.............................
206 35
Northern Central Railway................................................
13,479 46
National Transit Co........................................................
634 47
Norfolk and Western R. R. Co..........................................
1.195 57
New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk R, R. Co"...................
3,090 56
Oakland Electric Light and Power Co................................
10 81
Pullman's Palace Car Co...................................................
465 33
Postal Telegraph Cable Co................................................
14 65
Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore R. R. Co..............
Philadelphia and Baltimore Central R. R. Co.....................
20,227 40
1,077 09
Piedmont and Cumberland Railway Co..............................
1,493 15
Queen Anne's and Kent R. R. Co......................................
336 05
Salisbury Electric Light and Power Co ..............................
25 59
Snow Hill Electric Light and Power Co..............................
14 04
Safe Deposit and Trust Co................................................
2,428 18
Southern Electric Co..................................................
325 00
United States Express Co.........................................
United States Electric Power and Light Co........................
345 96
515 69
Union R. R. Co..............................................................
6,631 66
Water House Electric Light Co.........................................
143 58
Western Maryland R. R. Co.............................................
7,902 77
West Virginia Central and Pittsburg Railway Co................
367 80
Western Union Telegraph Co............................................
334 39
$136,266 30