Receipts into the Treasury during the Fiscal Year ended September 30th, 1894, from the Registers of Wills, on
Accounts herein named.
Excess of Fees
of Office.
Tax on
Exr's & Admrs.
Tax on Collat'l
A.H Dowden, Register of Wills Allegany County.........
$ 1,352 42
$ 540 08
$ 1,892 50
W. F. Petherbriclge, late Anne Arundel Co...........
261 66
318 84
583 50
Richard Baldwin, . " " "..........«
85 54
85 54
Thomas W. Morse, Baltimore City ..............
$ 17,837 71
24,892 01
49,349 39
92,079 11
Benj. W. Ady, late " Co.................
488 74
714 84
1,203 58
Henry ,T. Hebb, " ".................
3,044 19
1,072 11
2,116 30
Charles S. Parran, - Calvert County...........
83 65
83 65
James B. Steele, Caroline .............
259 04
259 04
George M. Parke, Carroll .............
1,606 11
674 40
2,280 51
R. E. Jamar, Cecil .............
721 92
545 55
1,267 47
J. Benj. Mattingly, Charles .............
509 69
99 42 .
609 11
John W. Fletcher, . Dorchester .............
212 27
21 04
233 31
Hamilton Lindsay , late Frederick ............
187 04
187 04
James K. Waters, " ............
1,400 08
1,274 56
2,674 64
James W. White, Garrett .............
68 67
68 67
G. Smith Norris, Harford .............
1,175 85
700 21
1,876 06
Isaac Scaggs, Howard ............
531 10
597 78
1,128 88
James T. Dixon, Kent .............
610 54
905 30
1,515 84
George C. Dawson, Montgoni'ry .............
647 76
3,430 80
4,078 59
J. Benson Perrie, Pr. George's ............
288 67
451 16
739 83
Finley Roberts, " ' Q'n Anne's ............
183 11
116 49
299 60