On the 30th of September, 1892, there remain-
ed to the credit of the Free School Fund
the sum of........................................
$ 5,675 54
And there was received during the Fiscal
Year, 1893, on account of this Fund the sum
of $75,121 36 from the following sources,
to wit :
From Dividends on Stocks standing to the
credit of the Treasurer of Maryland in the
following Banks :
Farmers' National Bank of Annapolis..............
$ 1,185 75
National Bank of Baltimore.......................
729 00
Central National Bank of Frederick...............
1,596 00
National Union Bank of Maryland.................
456 75
National Mechanics' Bank of Baltimore.........
426 30
Commercial and Farmers' Nat '1 Bank of Balto
2,134 08
Farmers and Merchants Nat'1 Bank of Balto
383 60
East on National Bank of Mars land..............
2,898 50
And from —
9,809 98
Exchange Loan of 1886 ................................
263 08
Baltimore City 5 per cent, stock.....................
2,890 94
Preferred Stock of B. & O. Railroad Company
7,086 00
Indigent Blind, transferred from the treasury
21,000 00
Surplus Revenue, transferred from the treas-
urv proper................................................
34,009 36
65,311 38
Making an aggregate of........................
80,796 90
Of this amount there was disbursed during the
Fiscal Year the sum of $75,253 90, as follows
Allegany County.......................................
1,958 40
Anne Arandel County...................................
2,049 04
Baltimore City.,...........................................
9,581 47
Baltimore Comity........................................
2,972 81
Calvert County............................................
1,017 00
Caroline County..........................................
1,504 75
Carroll County.....................................
2,181 69
Cecil County,....................................
1,776 07
Charles County...........................................
1,060 81
Dorchester County........................................
1,869 15
Frederick County........................................
3,338 85
Garrctt County............................................
1,196 10
Harford County...........................................
1,937 36
Carried forward..................................
$ 33,444 10
$ 80,796 90