Acts Authorizing Payments.
Brought forward...........................................................
$ 2,400 00
$69, 884 92
Baltimore County — Academic Fund....................................................
Res. 34 of 1831 and Chaps.
128 of 1864 and 432 of
1,200 00
Calvert County — Academic Fund..................................................................
Chps. 105 of 1854 and 128 of
1864 and 452 of 1890.....
1,200 00
Caroline County — Academic Fund...................................................
Res. 34 of 1831 and Chps.
128 of 1864 and 452 of
1,200 00
Carroll County — Western Maj viand College and Academic Fn nd...............
Chps. 2:59 of 1878, 279, 469
and 452 of 1890..........
7,700 00
Cecil County— Elkton and West Nottingham Academies and Northeast
Classical Seminary......................................................................................
" 88 of 1870 and 452 of
1,200 00
Charles County—Charlotte Hall School and Academic Fund........................
" 204 of 1835, 128 of 1864,
399 of 1888 and 452 of
3,000 00
Dorchester County — Cambridge, East New Market and Vienna Acade-
mies and Cambridge Female Seminary..........................................
Res. 34 of 1831, Chps. 201 of
1858, 339 of 1878 and
452 of 1890..................
1,600 00
Frederick County — Frederick County College and St. John's Literary
Res 1 of 1832, Chps. 35 of
of 1840 and 452 of 1890..
1,200 00
Harford County — Harford County, Darlington and Havre-de-Grace Acad-
Chps. 183 of 1868, 78 of 1870,
emies and Academic Fund ........................................................
526 of 1873 & 452 of 1890
1,500 00