Brought forward...................................
$81 21
And there was received during the Fiscal
Year ended September 30, 1892, on account
of this Fund, the sum of $11,018 40, from
the following sources, to wit :
Baltimore City 3.65 per cent. Stock, for in-
terdst accrued.................................
81 21
Defence Redemption Loan, lor interest ao
237 25
Exchange Loan of 188G, for interest accrued...
4,733 16
Exchange Loan of 1891, " " " ...
269 78
Treasury Relief Loan " " "
5,190 00
Exchange Loan of 1889, " " " ...
507 00
11,018 40
"The Treasury Relief Loan Bonds," for the'
$11,009 61
redemption of which this Fund was created,
having heen redeemed, the cash standing to
the credit of this Fund was transferred to.
the Sinking Fund for the Defence Redemp-
tion Loan, in accordance with the provis-
ions of Joint Resolution No. 3 of the Gen-
eral Assembly of 1892, aggregating................
11,000 61
By virtue of the same Resolution the follow -
ing Stocks and Bonds held by this Fund
were likewise transferred :
5315,544 11 of the Exchange Loan of 1886.
$13,000 00 of the Defence Redemption Loan.
$8,900 00 of Balto. City 3.65 per cent Stock.....
$17,985 48 of the Exchange Loan of 1891.
$33,800 00 of the Exchange Loan of 1889.
And S173,000 of Treasury Relief Loan Bonds,
held by this Fund, were destroyed, as pro-
vided in said Resolution.
For the redemption of the Defence Redemp-
tion Loan :
There was received during the Fi«cal Year
ended September 30, 1892, on account oi
this Fund the sum of $308,131 40, from the
following sources, to wit :
Baltimore City 5 per cent. Stock, for interest
2,109 06
Baltimore City 4 per cent. Stock, 1904, for in-
terest accrued..........................................
1,812 00
Baltimore City 3 1/4 per cent. Stock, 1927, for
interest accrued........................................
3,250 00
Baltimore City 4 per cent. Stock, 1925, for in-
terest accrued..........................................
2,680 00
Carried forward.................................
9,851 06