Receipts into the Treasury during the Fiscal Year ended September 30th, 1891, from Registers of Wills, on Accounts
herein named.
Excess of Fees
of Office.
Tax on Com. to
Exrs. & Adnirs.
Tax on Collat'l
A. H. Dowden, Register of Wills, Allegany County......
$ 1,049 48
$ 103 95
$ 1,153 43
W. F. Petherbridge, ' ' Anne Arundel Connty
442 67
844 72
1,287 39
Robert T. Banks, ' ' Baltimore City.........
$ 3,063 88
26,579 31
57,511 45
87,154 64
Benj. W. Ady, ' ' Baltimore County.....
3,163 60
2,686 46
5,850 06
William H. Dowell, ' ' Calvert ......
106 95
172 10
279 05
James B. Steele, ' ' Caroline ......
249 63
159 68
409 31
George M. Parke, ' " Carroll
1,630 13
1,153 18
2,783 31
R. E. Jamar, ' ' Cecil, ......
702 13
385 00
1,087 13
J. B. Mattingly, ' ' Charles ......
534 68
534 68
John W. Fletcher, ' ' Dorchester ......
473 52
208 81
682 33
Hamilton Lindsay, ' ' Frederick .....
2,845 26
1,012 05
3,857 31
James W. White, ' ' Garrett
141 49
141 49
G. Smith Norris, ' ' Harford
1,298 47
382 21
1,680 68
Isaac Scaggs, ' ' Howard ......
547 61
221 13
768 74
T. Romie Strong, ' " Kent ......
421 24
421 24
Robert W. Carter, late, ' " Montgomery ......
George C. Dawson, ' " " ......
85 87
947 97
109 98
968 60
195 85
1.916 57
J. Benson Perrie, ' " Pr. George's ......
205 73
4 75
210 48
Finley Roberts, ' " Queen Anne's ......
91 35
82 27
173 62
H. H. Dashiell, ' " Somerset
274 25
274 25
Carried forward........................................
$ 3,063 88
$ 41,791 34
$ 66,006 34
$ 110,861 56