TABLE No. 8.
Gross Receipts of the Warehouses for the Fiscal
Year ended September 30th, 1890, were
$53,580.87, as follows:
Receipts of Warehouse No. 1........................
$11,115 70
" "2
3,657 95
" 3
17,674 91
" 4
7,602 66
" 5
13,529 65
$ 53,580 87
Disbursements during the Fiscal Year "ended
September 30th, 1890, were $43,377.64, as
For Wages paid Screwmen at No. 1 ...... $4, 793 62
" " " Laborers " ' 1...... 633 00
" Salaries" Clerks " " 1...... 2,805 42
" Salary " Inspector " " 1...... 702 74
" Incidental Expenses " " 1...... 241 69
" Nails " " 1...... 295 25
" Hoops " " 1...... 52 00
" Lumber " " 1...... 59 51
" Drayage " " 1 ..... 8 63
" Reclamations " " 1...... 176 23
$ 9,768 09
For Wages paid Screwmen at No. 2 ..... $1,556 50
" " " Laborers " " 2...... 1 50
" Salaries" Clerks " " 2...... 1,728 43
" Incidental Expenses " " 2...... 129 74
" Nails " " 2...... 75 50
" Hoops " " 2...... 24 00
" Lumber " " 2...... 28 11
" Drayage " " 2...... 70 80
" Reclamations " " 2...... 31 26
3,645 84
For Wages paid Screwmen at No. 3...... $6,945 50
" " " Laborers " " 3...... 1,499 50
" Salary " Inspector " " 3...... 900 00
" Salaries " Clerks " " 3...... 2,653 33
" Incidental Expenses " " 3...... 740 50
" Nails " " 3...... 378 90
" Hoops " " 3...... 124 00
" Lumber " " 3...... 135 48
" Dravage " " 3...... 90 35
" Reclamations " " 3...... 439 44
13,907 00
For Wages paid Screwmen at No. 4...... $2,556 00
" " " Laborers " " 4...... 537 75
" Salaries " Clerks " " 4...... 2,021 58
" Incidental Expenses " " 4...... 326 13
Carried forward.........................$ 5,441 46
$27,320 93
$ 53,580 87