TABLE No. 2.
Receipts into the Treasury during the Fiscal Year ended September 30th, 1889, from Registers of Wills, on accounts herein
Excess of Fees
of Office.
Tax on Com. to
Exis. & Admrs.
Tax on Collat'l
A. H. Dowden, Register of Wills, Allegany County .......
$ 523 75
$ 201 08
$ 724 83
W. F. Petherbridge, " " Anne Arundel County
876 37
174 25
1,050 62
Robt. T. Banks, " " Baltimore City .........
$968 72
17,615 83
23,417 44
42,001 99
Benj. W. Ady, " " Baltimore County.....
5,623 28
11,817 80
17,441 08
Wm. H. Dowell, " Calvert
93 81
93 81
George M. Parke, " Carroll
2,598 61
2,375 06
4,973 67
J. B. Steele, " Caroline
347 09
347 09
J. B. Matiingly, " Charles
380 02
380 02
R. E. Jamar, " Cecil
549 09
353 99
903 08
Jno. W. Fletcher, " Dorchester
412 27
13 27
425 54
Hamilton Lindsay " Frederick
3,724 63
11,070 12
14,794 75
J. W. White, " Garrett
46 88
46 88
J. M. Magraw, " Harford
1,655 93
988 16
2,644 09
Edwin H, Webster, of J., late " "
241 46
241 46
Isaac Scaggs, " Howard
488 76
472 37
961 13
T. Romie Stagg, " Kent
290 43
290 43
R. W. Carter, " Montgomery
757 46
498 41
1,255 87
A. G. Darcy, " Pr. George's
190 15
1,856 10
2,046 25
Finley Roberts, " Queen Annes
61 93
29 30
91 23
H. H. Dashiell, " " Somerset
531 27
531 27
J. T. M. Raley, " " St. Mary's
$4 72
144 13
148 85
Carried forward..............................................
$4 72
$968 72
$37,153 15
$53,267 35
$91,393 94