Statement K, gives the amount of the assessed value
of property in the State on the 30th September, 1887, to
be $485,839,772, and shows an increase of $9,010,161,
since the 30th day of September, 1886.
But with all this increase in the taxable basis, the
assessment in Baltimore City is over two millions short
of its assessment in 1877, and the assessment in the
whole State shows only an increase in the past ten
years of a fraction over seven millions of dollars.
This cannot be all the increase of wealth in Maryland
during this period. I believe that Baltimore county
alone, upon a reassessment of property, would show
an increase of twice that sum; and it is but fair to the
present taxpaying property, that there should be a new
assessment of the entire property of the State, and it
is your province, by suitable legislation, to give direc-
tions thereto. This will, doubtless, be one of the most
important duties which you will be called to perform
during the present session.
Table No. 1 gives the receipts, among others, of the
clerks of courts from licenses, &c.
By this it appears that the traders in Baltimore city,
are not so prosperous as formerly, or that they are de-
creasing in number, neither of which am I willing to
believe, although the figures in the table would indi-
cate the one or the other.
In 1885 the receipts from traders' licenses in Balti
more city amounted to $127,905.99, while in 1887 the
receipts were only $132,881.76; a falling off of over
The Legislature on the last night of the session in
1886, while amending the hawkers and pedlers license
law of the State, enacted a law (chap. 507) whereby