As we were short in June on account of short pay-
ments from Baltimore city, it gives me pleasure to
state that our Treasury was full in October by reason
of the prompt and efficient manner in which the taxes
had been collected in said city after the Collector was
"Table No. 1," gives receipts from Clerks of Courts
and Registers of Wills for the fiscal year, 1886, to be
$488,259.47, being $24,098.36 greater than for the fiscal
year 1885. This increase of receipts is mainly accounted
for by the increase from excess of fees of office amount-
ing to the sum of $21,550.08 in 1886 against $13,185.36
in 1885.
The excess for the fiscal year 1886 would have been
even greater but for the expenses incurred for work in
the Clerk's office of the Superior Court of Baltimore
This work was not only necessary for the convenience
of the officers and the public, but also for the preserva-
tion of the valuable records and papers there deposited.
Under the efficient management of the present Clerk
of the Court every set of papers has been carefully
examined, put into boxes and indexed, and every record
overhauled and repaired until now there is not a more
complete and well-kept office in the State.
Other Clerks of Courts and the Register of Wills of
Baltimore city have caught the spirit of improvement
and with the sanction of this Department have insti-
tuted similar work, though not upon such an extended
Having called your attention to the principal state-
ments annexed to this report, and made such remarks as
J have deemed expedient and proper, I submit the same
to you for your consideration.
That it will be satisfactory to all I suppose would be
too much to expect, but that the great mass of intelli-
gent people of this State will give it that consideration
which this exhibit of the State finances deserves, I am