November, 1885........................................................
40 00
'' 18...
Cross & Dunbracco. .....................
4 N. Y. cane-seat chairs for Comptrollers Office....................................
2 00
" 25...
Thomas F. Lomax. ..................
Washing windows in Comptroller's Office...............................................
1 50
" 25...
F. Eugene Wathen. .....................
One days' clerieal services in Comptroller's Office..................................
3 33
December 1...
Thomas Himelheber. ...................
Services as Janitor of the Treasury Department for the month of Nov. '85.....
25 00
" 1.
John Himelheber. .....................
Washing towels for Treasury Department for 3 months, to Dec. 1, '85........
5 00
" 1...
C. C. Fnlton&Co.....................
Publishing Treasurer's notice of close of Transfer Books in Balto. American.
3 50
3 ..
Westers Union Telegraph Co. ......
Telegrams sent and received for Comptroller's, Treasurer's and Tax Commis
sioner's Offices, November, 1885 .....................................................
5 04
" 3...
A. S. Abell & Co....................
Publishing Treasurer's notice of close of Transfer Books in the Sun...........
4 13
" 3...
Win L Pfeiffer. ...........................
Work done and materials furnished in draping Comptroller's and Treasurer's
Offices upon the death of Hon. Thos. A. Hendricks,late Vice President of
the United States.........................................................................
35 00
Daniel V. Bright .........................
One compression bill cock for the Treasurer's Office........................
1 75
John Murphy & Co....................
Copying ink and writing fluid for Comptroller's Office. ..............................
10 20
" 7...
Thomas Himelheber..................
Expenses incurred by him going to the House of Correction on business for the
1 30
" 10...
J. H. Forbes.............................
Clerical services in the Treasurer's Office, October and November, 1885.........
50 00
" 17...
Maryland Steamboat C >................
Freight on chairs and hauling same for Comptroller's Office.....................
11 ' 17...
The Dell Bindery. ........................
Stationery and coupon books fpr Treasurer's Office....................................
54 05
\Vm. Camden...........................
Amount paid by him for express charges, &c., for the Treasurer's office.......
5 50
J H. Medairy & Co ....................
Books, stationery, &c., for State Tax Commissioner's Office......................
55 20
" 22...
Thos. Himelheber......................
Services as Janitor of Treasury Department, December, '85.........................
25 00
" 23...
John B. Flood...........................
ice furnished the Comptroller's andTreasu'rer'sOffice,from Jan. 1 to Doc. 31, '85
75 12
January 6...
W. H. F. Wilson & Son...............
Chimney cap for Treasurer's Office......................................................
8 50
" 6...
Western Union Telegraph Co.........
Telegrams sent and received for Comptroller's, Treasurer's and State Tax Com-
missioner's Offices, December, '85.....................................................
3 05
" 12...
Frederick Raine.......................
5ub. Treasurer's Monthlv Statement, and notice close of Transfer Books...
9 65
" 12...
John Murphy & Co. .....................
Stationery, &c., for Comptroller's Office................................................
58 74
do. ........................
Printing 1,000 pay warrants for Comptroller's Office..................................
11 25
" 13...
do. ........................
Articles furnished Comptroller's Office..................................................
6 70
" 14...
L. Knackstedt ............................
Repairing clock for Comptroller's Office ..................................................
1 50
Carried forward..................
$679 86