It is proper to state in this connection that all the
Sinking Funds have not only been kept up during the
current years of my official term, but the Treasury officers
have been able to realize from the uncollected balances
of former years, together with the $38.6,000.09 of: B. & O.
Railroad bonds, which were placed to the credit of the
Sinking Funds for the redemption of the Deaf and Dumb
and Maryland Hospital Loans, pursuant to Chap. 491 of
he Acts of 1884, a sum more than sufficient to repair
and make whole every fund for every existing loan that
had not hitherto been entirely maintained, so that at the
close of the fiscal year 1835, the Sinking Funds applica-
ble to the various loans of the State were not only in their
integrity but some of them were actually overflowing.
Since the close of the fiscal year, 1885, the Treasury
officers, finding that they could still spare from the
balance remaining in the Treasury, have further invested
on account of the Sinking Funds and have carried the
bonds of the State and of the City of Baltimore to the
credit of these accounts to the amount of $97,030.00,
making the large sum of $671,355.00 in State bonds and
other available sacurities, that have been purchased and
placed to the credit of the Sinking Fund of this State
since the first day of October, 1884, making an in-
crease in the Sinking Funds since I entered office in Jan-
uary, 1884, of $1,109,355.00, and making the gross amount
of bonds and securities standing to the credit of these
funds for the redemption of the various loans of the
State to be 81,520,564.18.
The items of stock purchased on account of the Sink-
ing Funds are given in detail in the " Statement E" above
referred to.
" Statement F '' gives in detail the funds and amounts
that constitute the several Sinking Funds of the State,
and the stock, kind and amount, held for the use of
the Free School Fund.
Tho dividends from various stocks held by the State
are shown in detail in " Statement G," amounting in the