" Statement A" in the appendix to this report exhibits
in detail the several sources from which the revenues
have been derived.
The total disbursements during- the year amounted to
Of this aggregate, the sum of 302,018.80 was money
paid for the building of two iron steamers for the Oyster
Police Service, the further sum of 601,465.53 expended
in the purchase of securities on account of the Sinking
Funds and the further sum of $555,466.28 for interest on
the State Debt, making the net ordinary expenses of
the State government, inclusive of the cost of the Oyster
Police Service, to be $983,106.00.
This amount is $125,344.63 less than the net ordinary
expenses of the government for the year 1884 after de-
ducting the expenses incident to the session of the Leg-
islature, such as printing, the pay of officers and
members, their per diem and mileage, and there re-
mained in the Treasury at the close of the fiscal year
1885 a balance of $747,407.33.
" Statement B " of the appendix exhibits in detail the
several items of disbursement.
"Statement C" shows the probable receipts for the
fiscal year 1886 to be $2,021,266.94, which, when realized
and added to the balance in the Treasury, September
30, 1885, will make a total for the use of the State of
"Statement D " shows in detail that the.probable dis-
bursements for the same period will amount to $1,700,-
970.00, which, if correct, will leave the balance of
31,067,703.29, which will enable the Treasury officers to
provide for and maintain the various Sinking Funds of
the State in the manner directed by the laws creating
the various loans that comprise the State debt.
"Statement E " shows the condition of the Free School
Fund and Sinking Funds.