the active and energetic co-operation of the present effi-
cient Treasurer, Hon. John S. Gittings, as well as to the
faithful and intelligent discharge of their duties by the
several clerks in this Department, we are greatly indebted
for the excellent exhibit which this Department is able
to make to you of the fiscal affairs of this State.
"Statement J" gives in detail the State's capital and
credits on the 30th day of September, 1885.
Those designated as productive investments amount
to the sum of $3,633,085.70, which, together with the un-
collected balances due from collectors of public moneys,.,
incorporated institutions, &c., make a total sum of
While we have collected a considerable sum from cor-
porations and from former collectors, sheriffs, &c., and
more is now in course of settlement, there yet remained
unpaid at the close of the fiscal year the large sum of
Much of this balance is worthless, but I shall not
relax my efforts to realize for the State as much of these-
unpaid balances as can be collected.
The unproductive investments amount to $27,723,-
280.94. The State in the past has been very liberal with
its money and credit in giving its aid to many enter--
prises for the developement of the resources of the
affords a striking illustration. The $7,000,000.00 which,
the State originally loaned to assist in building and de-
veloping this once great public, improvement, were they
available now, would be sufficient together with our
productive investments to relieve the State of all indebt-
edness and leave nearly a million to spare. And had
not steam overcome difficulties which, at that time, were
considered insurmountable, the State's interest in this
canal would to-day be worth double the amount of