October 1...
" 9...
" 9...
" 9...
" 23...
John Murphy & Co.....................
Hermange & Brewer...................
Thos. G. Woolford......................
J. H. Vansant, agent. ..................
Samuel Stewart . ........................
Articles furnished the Comptroller's Office...............................................
Publishing Treasurer's Monthly Statements & Notice of close of Transfer Books.
Sundry bills paid by him for expressage and other charges for Comtr's Office.
Transportation of express matter to and from the Comptroller's Office..........
Running gas-pipes, swinging bracket, ana repairs, &c.; to Treasury Depart
$60 53
31 21
12 75
9 20
" 23...
Bartlett, Havward & Co...............
ment water-closets........................................................................
Changing drain pipe from water closet in R,ecord Office, and for materials fur-
6 50
" 30...
" 31...
" 31...
November 6...
" 6...
" 7...
" 18
" 28...
" 28...
" 28...
December 1...
" 1...
John Himelbeber.........................
do. do. ........................
The Day....................................
Wm. H. F. Wilson & Son............
Wtsiern Union Telegraph Co.........
Samuel Stewnrl. ..........................
K. W. Tale...............................
John. Murphy & Co....................
A. S. Abell & Co........................
C. C. Fulton & Co. ......................
John Himelheber.........................
do. do. .........................
Western Union Telegraph Co........
nished and work done in plumbing, &c. ............................................
Services as Janitor of the State Tax Comm'rs Office, for 4 m'ths.to Nov.1,'84...
do. do. Treasury Department for month October, '84. .........
Publishing Treasurers Monthly Statement. .............................................
Electric Heater for the use of the State Treasurer's Office...........................
Telegrams sent and received for Comptr's, Treasurer's and Tax Couir's Office.
Furnishing one water-closet for Treasury Department...............................
Articles furnished the Comptroller's Office. .............................................
Stationery furnished for use of the Comptroller's Office..............................
Publishing notice of redemption of Maryland Hospital Loan........................
do. do. do. do. do. do. ........................
Services as Janitor of the Treasury Department fcr November, '84................
Washing towels for Treasury Department for 3 months, to December 1, 1884.
Telegrams scut and received during the month of Nov., '84, for Comptroller's,
88 57
12 00
15 00
1 50
50 00
5 79
15 00
11 08
12 60
44 50
30 00
15 00
5 00
Treasurer's and. Tax Commissioner's Office....,,........,,.......,.......
17 63