TABLE No. 8.
Receipts into and Disbursements from the Treasury during the
Fiscal Year ended September 30, 1885, on account of State
Tobacco Inspections.
Gross Receipts of the Warehouses for the Fiscal Year
ended Sept. 30, 1885, were $76,554.11, as follows:
Receipts of Warehouse No. 1.................................
" " " " 2................................
" "3
" 4.
" 5
$11,324 04
15,804 78
24,363 45
13,187 78
11.783 46
$76,554 11
Disbursements during the Fiscal Year ended Septem-
ber 30th, 1885, were $7 1,450. 47, as follows :
For Wages paid Screwmen at No. 1.......... $7,001 50
" " " Laborers " " 1........... 768 75
" Salaries " Clerks " " 1........... 3.147 69
" Incidental Expenses " " 1........... 144 57
" Nails " " 1........... 120 25
"Hoops " " 1........... 57 00
"Lumber " " 1........... 11 23
$11.250 99
" Wages paid Screwnsen " " 2.......... $8,278 50
" " " Laborers " " 2........... 3,483 25
" Salaries " Clerks " " 2........... 3,400 00
" Incidental Expenses " " 2........... 281 72
" Nails " " 2.......... 193 07
" Hoops " " 2........... 62 50
" Lumber " " 2........... 39 34
15,738 38
" Wages paid Screwmen at No. 3......... $10,854 00
" " " Laborers " " 3.......... 4,767 75
" Salaries " Clerks " " 3........... 3,400 00
" Incidental Expenses " '' 3........... 766 86
" Nails " " 3........... 1,046 39
" Hoops " " 3........... 245 59
" Lumber " " 3........... 86 88
21,167 47
" Wages paid Screwman at No.4.......... $7,417 50
" " " Laborers " " 4........... 432 75
" Salaries " Clerks " " 4........... 3,400 00
" Incidental Expenses " " 4........... 742 86
" Nails " " 4........... 461 53
" Hoops " " 4........... 95 40
" Lumber " " 4........... 64 69
12,614 73
" Wages paid Screwmen at No. 5........... $4,609 00
' " '' Laborers " " 5........... 1,790 25
' Salaries " Clerks " " 5........... 3,400 00
' Incidental Expenses " " 5........... 473 90
' Nails " " 5........... 323 00
' Hoops " " 5........... 88 75
10,684 90
71,456 41
Net earnings during the Fiscal Year 1885..............
$5,097 64
Carried forward.........................................
$5,097 64