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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 31   View pdf image (33K)
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TABLE No. 4.

Receipts into the Treasury from Licenses to Auctioneers and
Express and Telegraph Companies, during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1885.



Edward HigKins, Jr...................................................................
Wm. Seernuller........................................................................
Jos. Freidberger. ....................................................................
A. C. N. Matthews...................................................................
George B. Creamer...................................................................
Edward Soper............................ ...........................................
D. Pike..........................................................................
Thos. E. Parlette......................................................................
Thos. J. Grotjan......................................................................
Adams Express Company..........................................................
Western Union Telegraph Company..............................
Baltimore & Ohio " " ..............................

$ 750 00
450 00
50 0
450 00
450 00
450 00
450 00
50 00
750 00
300 00
1,800 00
300 00


$6,250 00

TABLE No. 5.

Receipts into the Treasury during the Fiscal Year ended Sep-
tember 30th, 1885, from Tax on Gross Receipts of Railroad'


Baltimore and Hanover Railroad Company................................. $224 94
Bachman Valley Railroad Company..................................... 9 75
Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company................................. 5,034 12
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company.................................... 24,910 06
Columbia and Port Deposit Railroad Company........................... 358 66
Cambridge and Seaford Railroad Company................................. 81 47
Cumberland and Pennsylvania Railroad Company..................... 2,165 47
Delaware and Chesapeake Railroad Company............................... 188 47
Delaware, Maryland & Virginia Railroad Company....................... 31 67
Emmittsburg Railroad Company............................................. 45 43-
Franklin Railroad Company.................................................... 196 66-
Frederick and Pennsylvania Line Railroad Company. .................. 296 51
George's Creek and Cumberland Railroad Company..................... 792 85
New York, Philadelphia & Nortolk Railroad Company.................. 534 47
Nortbern Central Railway Company.......................................... 5,044 06
Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company......... 5,673 ?7
Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad Company ................ 175 33
Pittsburg ahd Connellsville Railroad Company............................ 113 46
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.............................................. 127 74
Queen Anne's and Kent Railroad Company............................... 149 08
Washington Connty Railroad Company...................................... 223 06
Wicomico and Pocomoke Railroad Company............................... 112 73

TOTAL.............................................................................. $46,489 76



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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1885
Volume 249, Page 31   View pdf image (33K)
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