TABLE No. 2.
Receipts into the Treasury during the Fiscal Year ended September 30th. 1885, from Registers of Wills}
on accounts herein mentioned.
Excess of Fees
of Office.
Tax on Com. to
Exrs. & Admrs.
John Rhind, Register Wills, Allegany county .................................................
J. W. Brashears, Register Wills, Anne Arundel county...................................
$1,496 55
561 18
$822 05
302 95
R. T. Banks, Register Wills, Baltimore city...................................................
Thomas Philpot, Register Wills, Baltimore county. ...................................
V. C. Cox, " Calvert ....................................
$4,860 36
1,744 00
18,709 14
2,938 07
325 31
65,334 13
71,827 13
88,903 63
76,509 20
325 31
J. Oliver Wadlow, " Carroll ....................................
James B. Steele, " Caroline ....................................
Jas. M. Harvey, " Charles ....................................
1,481 '5
160 74
201 05
613 78
26 81
2,095 23
187 55
201 05
R. E. Jamar, " Cecil ....................................
E. W. LeCompte, " Dorchester ....................................
Jas. P. Perry, " Frederick ....................................
Wm. H. Hagans, " Garrett ....................................
1,298 66
1,848 10
3,011 47
80 03
400 45
250 51
1,266 38
1,699 11
2,098 61
4,277 85
80 03
Win. S. Richardson, " Harford ....................................
Thos. L. Maclin, " Howard ....................................
Joel C. Slaughter, ' Kent ....................................
Robert W. Carter, ' Montgomery ....................................
A. G. Darcy, ' Prince Geo.'s .............................
Thomas A. Bryan, ' Queen Anne's ' ...................................
H. H. Dashiell, ' Somerset ...................................
997 28
541 48
284 90
946 31
410 C2
450 89
159 56
3,249 06
569 57
449 68
291 35
361 02
171 64
4,246 34
1,111 05
734 58
1,237 66
771 64
622 53
159 56
John B. Abell, St. Mary's ....................................
Edward H. R«e, ' Talbot ....................................
Tbos. E. Billiard, ' ' Washington ....................................
E. L. Wailes, ' Wicomico ....................................
Thos. D. Purnell, " ' Worcester ....................................
122 15
1,143 61
1 597 10
285 64
293 64
25 22
320 78
162 04
139 69
382 51
147 37
1,464 39
1,759 14
425 33
676 15
Totals ............................................................................................
$6,604 36
$39,344 93
$146,966 75
$192,916 04