Balance to the credit of the Oyster Fund as per
Comptroller's Report for the Fiscal Year ended
September 30tb, 1884 ......................................
Add amount received from, sale of Steamer Leila
$244,081 59
omitted in 1884 ..............................................
Add amount received from Bale of Old Rope &c,
* 798 62
omitted in 1884 .............................................
* 12 14
Balance which should have appeared to the credit of
said Fund Sept. 30th 1884 .......;.......................
Receipts during Fiscal Year 1885, to wit :
$244,392 36
From Dredging Licenses .....................................
" Oyster Measurers .......................................
" Oyster Fines..............................................
" Tax collected from Steamboats tor carrying
78,292 77
653 40
436 00
oysters .........................................................
From Sale of Propeller of Mr. Gov. Thomas .........
286 95
8 00
" " " Old Sails and Canvass .....................
27 05
79,704 17
Total Receipts for Fiscal Year 1885 and Balance
from Fiscal Year 1884 .....................................
$324,596 S3
Disbursements during the Fiscal Year 1885, to wit :
For Salaries......................................................
' Supplies .....................................................
' Repairs......................................................
' Rations ..................................................
' Fuel..........................................................
' Costs of suits................................................
' Ammunition ..............................................
' Painting Numbers for dredging vessels for 1884
$45,748 46
4,694 98
4,734 02
3,825 20
2,638 28
292 54
473 00
and 1885 .......................................................
For Building two new Steamers...........................
'' Expenses of Headquarters at Annapolis ..........
775 41
62.048 86
830 91
'' Incidental Expenses ...............................
1,027 90
127.039 53
Balance to the credit of the 'Oyster Fund September
30th. 1885 .....................................................
$197.506 96