have been $71,002.77, which added to the balance stand-
ing to the credit of the Fund at the close of the fiscal
year 1883, viz $4,720.47 makes the aggregate amount of
said Fund during the year to be $75,723.24. The dis-
bursements from this Fund during the fiscal year make
an aggregate of $70,252.77, leaving a balance to the
credit of this Fund at the close of the fiscal year of
Pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly, passed
at January Session, 1884, chapter 491, the Treasury
Officers during the last fiscal year transferred from the
Treasury proper to the Sinking Funds for the Redemp-
tion of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum Loan and the
Maryland Hospital Loan, the bonds of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company, which were delivered to
the Treasurer of the State under the provisions of the
Act of 1878, chapter 155, amounting to the sum of
$366,000.00, and also pursuant to the Acts of 1884, chaps.
289 and 383, the said Treasury Officers purchased during
the year, first Mortgage 4 1/2 per cent. Bonds of the Cin-
cinnati, Washington and Baltimore Railroad Company,
(endorsed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company)
to the amount of $72.000,00. It is proper to state that
the Treasury Officers experienced great difficulty in
securing suitable investments for the Sinking Funds
without paying exorbitant premiums, which we con-
sidered in the face of maturing obligations of the State
improper and wholly unwarrantable. After consider-
able advertising and correspondence, we have been only
able to secure bonds of the State maturing in the year
1885, amounting to the sum of $33,355.00, and therefore
have given notice to the holders of the bonds issued
under the Act of 1872, chap. 236, and known as the
Maryland Hospital Loan, that on and after the first day
of January 1885, the same would be called in for pay-
ment. These bonds amount to the sum of $330,000.00, and
we propose in like manner to pay off at maturity during
the current year, the Deaf and Dumb Asylum Loan,
created by the Act of 1870, chapter 422, amounting to