merit, and in less than one year I have the satisfaction
of giving to those who bear the burdens of taxation
what is to my mind conclusive evidence that the fulfill-
ment and realization of the promise is not only within
the range of possibilities, but with economy on th
part of the Legislatures that are to follow can be looked
forward to with reasonable assurance.
But to realize continuously year by year, these result
under the present rate of taxation and the laws for th
raising of revenue, it must be apparent to every thought
ful mind that the strictest economy must be practiced
and if we would have these results made secure for us in
the coming years beyond the possibility of a doubt
some additional Legislation may be necessary to secure
this end.
I therefore hope to be able to present to the next Leg-
islature that shall assemble, some considerations which
if adopted, will I believe, materially increase the reve-
nues and thus assure permanently the results which we
have for the fiscal year just closed attained, and set
forth in this Summary and Statement of the financial
condition of the State.
In conclusion, it gives me pleasure to state that thi
accomplishment of these results has been facilitated
and made easy by the good management of my prede-
cessors in office, and the faithful and efficient discharge
of their duties by the several clerks in this Depart
ment. .
I am Your obedient servant,