would be rendered towards its accomplishment. One
day in the year devoted to such a purpose would cer-
tainly be a modest demand on the part of a Government,
whose per centum of taxation has been kept, under
existing circumstances, within the moderate dimensions
of the present State Tax,
The State levy for the year 1882, was $871,546.59, of
which was paid into the Treasury the sum of $490,923,79,
and the balance of $380,622.80 remains uncollected. The
amount due by Collectors of previous years, exclusive of
interest, is $545,964.83, making the total amount uncol-
lected $926,587.63. These outstanding taxes, in the
hands of Collectors, have been reduced in amount, since
the year 1878, $223,818.82. The sum is, however, still
large, and it would be a great help to the revenues of the
State, if some improved plan for the prompt payment of
these taxes to the State, were adopted.
The receipts of taxes from incorporated institutions,
were $63,336.41. The amount due and unpaid by these
institutions, is $108,125.83. Steps have been taken to
enforce these collections.
The receipts from licenses and taxes imposed upon
foreign insurance companies, were $49,442.24. In the
year 1881, they were $52,868.30.
The gross receipts of the Tobacco Warehouses were
$72,070.53, and the net earnings $3,667.10. The Tobacco
Inspectors receive a salary of $1,800 per annum, and
should make their Warehouses at least self-sustaining.
In the year 1881, their receipts were $75,320.02, and their
net earnings $10,585.12, a little more than required to pay
their salaries. Last year the net earnings did not pay the
salaries, and they were a tax upon the Treasury to the
amount of $5,332.90.
The receipts on account of the Oyster Fund, were $57,
751.05. The expenses, chargeable to this fund, includ-
ing salaries and the purchase of a new sloop, were
$39,070.59, showing an increase of this fund, $18,680,46,
The increase in 1881, was $6,622.09.