Acts Authorizing Payments.
Brought forward ...........................................................................
$8,100 00
$58,519 09
Caroline county -- Academic Fund. .................................................................
Res. 34 of 1831, 128 of l864 and
Carroll county -- Western Maryland College.....................................................
431 of 1880. .....................
Cb. 466 of 1870 and 239 of
1,200 00
Cecil county-Elkton and West Nottingham Acdemies, and North-East Classical Sem
Charles county -- Charlotte Hall Academy and Academic Fund...
1878, 361 and 431 of 1880....
"88 of 1870 nnd 431 of 1880.
" 204 of 1835, 269 of 1878,
8,890 00
1,200 00
Dorchester county -- Cambridge, East New Market and Vienna Academies, and Cam-
128 of 1864, and 431 of 1880.
Res. 34 of 1831, Ch. 339 of
3 000 00
bridge Female Seminary.............................................
Frederick county -- Frederick College and St. John's Literary Institute...................
'78, 201 of '58, and 431 of '80.
Ch. 107 of 1798, Res. 1 of 1832
1,000 00
and 35 of 1840, & 431 of '80.
1,200 00
Garrett County -- Academic Fund....................
Harford county -- Harford and Darlington Academies and Academic Fund.............
Howard county -- Academic Fund........
" 176 of 1874, and 431 of '80.
" 78 of 1870; and 431 of 1880.
" 183 of 1868, 242 of 1870,
1,200 00
1,200 00
and 431 of 1880..............
1,200 00
Kent county -- Washington College and Millington and Shrewsbury Academies......
Res. 35 of 1839, 31 of 1847, Ch.
339 of '70, 282 of '74, 331
of '78. ...........................
5,675 00
Montgomery county -- Brookville and Rockville Academies..................................
" 52 of 1 811 & 84 of '34, Chs.
Prince George's county -- Upper Marlboro' Academy and Academic Fund...............
310 ot '58, and 431 of '80...
Ch. 204 of 1831, 128 of 1864,
1,400 00
Queen Anne's county-- Church Hill and Centreville Academies and Academic Fund
and 431 of 1880..............
Res. 72 of 1835, Cn. 331 of
1,200 00
St. Mary's county -- St. Mary's Female Seminar and Academic Fund. ..................
1878 ..............................
Ch. 193 of 1868, 128 of 1864,
1,000 00
Somerset countv -- Washington and Fairmount Academies and Academic Fund.......
and 431 of 1880..............
" 281 of 1846, 128 of 1864,
2,900 00
Talbot county -- Academic Fund ................... .............................................
419 of 1870,431 of 1880...
" 107 of 1798, 128 of 1864
1,800 00
and 431 of 1880...............
1,200 00