1879 ; in order that the General Assembly may see, practi-
cally, the necessity there was for the issuing of the Treasury
Relief Bonds in January, and may understand that the con-
dition of the Treasury at the end of the fiscal year is no in-
dication of its condition throughout the year.
To further illustrate, it should be stated, in connection
with the foregoing exhibit, that the largest disbursements
are at the first of the month, and the receipts run in varying
installments to the end of it. It is also proper to add here,
that during the spring months, when the substantial balance,
occasioned by the sale of the Treasury Relief Bonds in Janu-
ary, was being rapidly melted to nothing, the. prompt and
efficient Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the city of
Baltimore, Mr. I. Freeman Rasin, anticipated his accustomed
June payment, and gave the Treasury the use of $50,000
of license money, in advance of his official return.
A large permanent surplus is not likely to accrue from
present sources of revenue ; while large temporary balances
are the necessities, which irregular and uncertain receipts
require to be OH hand, to meet the much more certain drafts
upon the Treasury. It would he better it these balances
could be confined within a smaller and less fluctuating mar-
gin, and if the Treasury officers did not have to go elsewhere so
often for temporary relief.
The rate of taxation for State purposes is by no means
oppressive in this State, and the appropriation of her rev-
enues is, with comparatively few, and I might perhaps add
scarcely any exceptions, for laudable and useful objects.
Tbe accompanying tables indicate, one, and a great want to
be, the prompt collection of her taxes. My report for the
year 1878 showed the large sum of $1,150,406.45 in the
hands of the tax collectors, either uncollected by them, or, if
collected, not paid into the Treasury. The State levy for the
year 1879 was $874,633.11, an increase over the previous
year of $3,834.75. Of this levy there was paid into the
State Treasury the sum of $435,104.38, and there remained
in the hands of.collectors, at the end of the fiscal year, $439,-
528.73. (See Table No. 14.) The amount due by collectors