Showing the sums paid to Volunteers, Drafted Men, &c.c dur-
ing the Fiscal Year ended September 30th, 1879, together
with a condensed Statement slowing the total Receipts
and Disbursements on account of Bounty to Volunteers.
The total amount disbursed during the Fiscal Year,
for bounty to volunteers, drafted men and salaries,
was $11,000.00, viz :
To white volunteers and drafted men ......................
" colored " " " " ......................
U. S. Navy.........................................................
$ 3,300 00
1,850 00
4,950 00
1,500 00
The amounts received from Bounty Taxes, during the
Fiscal year, were as follows :
From Collectors of State Taxes. ..............................
" Tax on Incorporated Institutions...................
" Tax on State and other Stocks.....................
$240,353 46
18,939 13
13,783 43
$11, 600 00
273,076 02
Showing the receipts in excess of payments.............
$261,476 02
The amount paid, for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th,. 1864, was........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1865, was........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, -1866, was........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1867, was........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30lh, 1«68, was........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1869, was........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1870, was. ........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal x ear
ended September 30th, 1871 was. .........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1872, was........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1673, was. ......................
The amount paid for bounties daring the Fiscal Year
ended September -30th, 1874, was......................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1875, was........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1876, was........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1677, was......................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
ended September 30th, 1878, was........................
The amount paid for bounties during the Fiscal Year
$1,281,668 90
1,781,166 88
727,196 91
335,397 56
859,151 22
578,320 00
233,412 53
71,150 00
40,100 00
16,800 00
13,350 00
11,750 00
2,925 00
4,800 00
20,004 16
ended September 30th, 1879, was.......................
11,600 00
$5,988,793 16
Carried forward........................................
$5,988,793 16