The States Capital and Credits, as of September 30th, 1879.
Stock in the Farmers National Bank of Annapolis
" " Balto. & Fredencktown Turnpike Co
" " Balto. & Yorktown Turnpike Co.....
" " Wash'n Branch of Balto. O.R.R. Co,
" of the Balto. & Ohio R. R. Co., yielding
$ 46,470 00
11,000 00
2,500 00
550,000 00
$ 46,470 00
11,000 00
2,500 00
550,000 00
six per cent, dividend............................
Bonds of ths Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Company..
Mortgage of the Northern Central Railway Co...
Due from Incorporated Institutions, Collectors of
State Tases, Sheriffs, Inspectors, Registers of
Wills, Clerks of Courts, &c. — estimated at....
968,615 70
366,000 00
1,500,000 00
1,393,000 00
968,616 70
366.000 00
1,500,000 00
1,393,000 00
$4,837,585 70
Stock in the Bohemia Bridge Company. ............
" " Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Co. .
Bonds of the Columbia and Port Deposit R. R. Co.
Bonds of the Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal
Stock of the Annapolis Water Company..........
Due from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com-
$15,876 99
81,260 00
60,000 00
1,000,000 00
30,000 00
Bonds of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co.......
Stock of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co.........
15,552,736 69
2,000,000 00
5,000,000 00
" " Annapolis & Elk Ridge R. R. Co...
" " Balto.& Potomac R. R. Co., chap.
454 of 1868..........................
299,378 41
176,000 00
" " Balto. & Drum Point R. R, Go,,
chap. 454 of 1868.......
14,530 00
" " Dorchester & Del. R. R. Co,, chap.
303 of 1860.........................
101,175 00
" " Eastern Shore Rail Road Company,
chap 303 of 1860...........
112,700 00
" " Kent and Queen Anne's Rail Road
Company, chap. 303 of 1840.
" " Kent Company R.R Co ch.309 of '60
" " Maryland and Delaware Rail Road
Company, per chap. 303 of 1860..
" " Philadelphia and Baltimore Central
R.R, Co., per chap. 903 of 1860.
" " Southern Maryland R. R. Co.......
" " Worcester and Somerset Rail Road
Coropany, chap. 303 of 1860....
" " Worcester R. R. Co., ch.303 of '60..
" " Wicomico and Pocomoke Rail Road
Co,, per chap. 303 of 1890.....
" " Potomac Compiny................ .
110,450 00
101,531 00
153,350 00
35, 000 00
163,000 00
10,000 00
25,000 00
64,101 00
120,444 44
Loan to the President And Directors of the Poto-
mac Co.......................................
Interest thereon to May 16th, 1825..........
Nanticoke Bridge Company.............................
Chesapeake Steam Towing Company................
Bonds ins tailed and not installed, exclusive of int.
Due from the Penitentiary, for premium and int.
Stock of the Elkton Bank........................
30,006 00
13,280 00
4,333 33
25,000 00
10,000 00
5,091 36
10,000 00
Dividend Bond No. 58, of B. & O. R. R. Co......
80 00
$25,213,304 12
$30,160,889 91