stock held by the State in the Bohemia Bridge Company, the
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, the Baltimore
and Fredericktown Turnpike Company and the Baltimore
and Yorktown Turnpike Company. I have embraced these
last items of interest in my estimates of the probable receipts
during the present fiscal year set forth in "Statement C,"
and if they should not be paid the revenue for this year will
be affected to that extent.
"Statement K" shows the assessed value of property sub-
ject to the State Tax of 18 3/4 cents for the year 1878 to be
$464,425,790—being $14,042,238 less.than it was the previous
year. The localities in which the decrease was made are
Baltimore City, Allegany, Baltimore, Calvert, Cecil, Charles,
Frederick, Harford, Howard, Kent, St. Mary's, Somerset,.
Talbot, Washington, Wicomico and Worcester Counties.
There was a small increase in Anne Arundel, Caroline,
Carroll, Dorchester, Garrett, Montgomery, Prince George's
and Queen Anne's Counties.
The State levy for the year 1878 was $870,798.36, of
which there was paid into the Treasury $369,160.01, and
there remained in the hands of the Collectors at the end
of the fiscal year $501,638.35. (See Table No. 14.) The
amount due by Collectors for previous years, exclusive of
interest, is $648,768.10. (See Table No. 15.) The large
amount of $1,150,406.45 is therefore in the hands of the
Tax Collectors, either uncollected by them, or if collected,
not paid into the Treasury. The law directs the Comptroller
to place these claims in suit when they have been in arrears
for more than one year, and this has been promptly complied
with ; but even when this is done, the collections, except in
a few instances, are slow.
"Statement M" shows that the State has paid as Bounties
for enlistments in the late Civil War, the immense sum. of
$5,977,193.16, and for interest and commissions on loans
effected for that purpose, the further sum of $2,064,959.83,
making the aggregate sum raised by direct taxation and
expended on that account $8,042,152,99. The payment of