At the close of my administration, I take pleasure in
adverting to the reforms which have been inaugurated in the
revenue laws during the past eight years. The revenue
from collecting officers has reached the Treasury with greater
precision, in 1877, than in any former year. The receipts
from collectors have been highly satisfactory, approximating
closely the total amount of the levy for the year, and largely
exceeding the total amount of the levy for 1876. The pay-
ments by Clerks and Registers of Wills have been made
with unequalled punctuality. Large amounts which had been
considered irrecoverable have been realized to the Treasury.
The greater portion of the sterling debt of the State which
has been overdue since 1865, has been redeemed and cancelled,
and steps have been taken, looking to the redemption of the
balance of such overdue debt during the current year.—
Many of the old accounts on the books of the office have
been brought to settlement, and much of the indebtedness
of corporations to the State has been reduced to judgments,
and will in a short time be available to the Treasury.—
The National Banks throughout the State, are now quietly
paying their taxes, and the increase in the amount received
from other corporations has been large. The taxation of
Railroad Companies has been put into operation, and bids
fair to aid with other measures in the equalization of taxation.
Still further reforms which experience has demonstrated may
be useful, will be proposed at the present session.
1 feel conscious that I can justly carry witk me into retire-
ment, the pleasing conviction that I have served the State
with zeal, fidelity and devotion to her interests, and I am
proud to hope and believe that this conscioasness ia shared
by the General Assembly, and by the people of the State.
I congratulate the people of the State, and the Legislature
that I am to be succeeded by a gentleman of such high stand-
ing for ability and integrity, and whose efforts for the pro-
motion of the welfare of the State can be safely relied on.
Respectfully submitted,
Comptroller of the Treasury.