several Counties and City of Baltimore for the year 1877,
as follows :
Amount paid by the State.............................................
Amount levied in Allegany County..............................
Anne Arundel County..................... .
Baltimore City................................
Baltimore County.............................
Calvert County................................
Caroline County.. ............................... .
Carroll County.. ...................................
Cecil County....................................
Charles County.................................
Dorchester County...........................
Garrett County.................................
Frederick County...........................
Harford County........................... ..
Howard County.. .................................
Kent County....................................
Montgomery County........................... .
Prince George's County...................
Sc. Mary 's County............................
Somerset County...........................
Talbot County..................................
Washington County............................
Wicomico County.............................
Worcester County.. ........................... ..
$ 668,515 62
32,000 00
19,302 68
*620,000 00
81,455 00
2,638 12
' 8,000 00
20,751 60
22,770 29
3,522 43
13,000 00
8,600 00
32,000 00
14,808 34
9,000 00
14,000 00
15,000 00
10,000 00
2,929 67
4,862 76
14,000 00
36,000 00
6,000 00
6,000 00
Total.. ............................................................
.$1,554,048 41
The amount expended during the year from the State
Treasury, for all purposes, after deducting the amount dip-
tributed to the Free Public Schools, was $1,554,131.27, only
exceeding the total amount for Free Public Schools, by the sum
of $84.86. The large sums appropriated by the representa-
tives of the people for schools, evince clearly the deep interest
which the people take in the all-important subject of popular
education, which is ono of the foundation stones of the suc-
cess and permanence of a free republic. By the 7th Section,
of the 4th Sub-Chapter, of the Act of 1872, Chapter 377, it
is provided that "the Board of County School Commissioners,
shall, on or before the fifteenth day of November, in every
year, make a report to the State Board of Education, in
such form as may be prescribed by the latter, of the schools
and all matters affecting the educational interests of the
county. They shall also publish annually, in the month of
November, in such form and manner as they may deem pro-
per, a statement of their receipts and disbursements, includ-
ing the money received and expended on account of text
*This does not include cost of constructing school houses.