as provided in the Act, by the sum of $39,930.00, ranking
the total increase $236,930.00.
Statement "K" exhibits the State, Levy, for all purposes,
for the year 1877, in the several Counties and City of Balti-
more, amounting to the aggregate of $825,357.26. Of this
aggregate, the levy for PublicSchools amounts to $478,468.02,
and for the payment of interest on the Public Debt, to the
sum of $346,889.24. These are the only items for which a
levy is now made by law upon the property of the State, for
State purposes.
The basis of State taxation for 1877, is $478,468.28.
The basis in 1876, was $429,112,418, showing an increase
under the new assessment of $49,355,610.
The receipts of the Public School Tax are given in detail,
in statement "L" for the several years from 1865, to 1877,
together with the State levy for school purposes for each of
said years. The receipts of Public School Tax for the past
fiscal year have been $540,795.41. This amount is much
larger than in any former year with the exception of 1875,.
when the collections of taxes in arrear made under the
revenue measures adopted in 1874, swelled the amount to
$604,713.08. The disbursements made during each of the
school years, at the four annual days of apportionment pre-,
scribed by law, commencing with, the first day of October in
each, year, are aggregated in said statement from 1865, to
1876, and the balance in the Treasury 30th September, 1877,
applicable to apportionments for the school year 1877, com-
mencing with the first apportionment on 1st October, 1877,
shown to be $306,850.67. Of this balance the apportion-
ment made on the first day of October, 1877, amounted to,,
white schools, $119,617.00, and to colored schools $25,000.00;
total $144,617.00
The balance to the credit of Public School tax, 30th Sep-
tember, 1876, was......................................................... $303,300 01
Total receipts of School Tax during fiscal year ending 30th
September, 1877............................................................. 540,79541
Total receipts d uring fiscal year J877, and balance 30th Sep- ..
tember, 1876.................................................................. $844,095 42
Disbursements during fiscal year 1877 ........................ 537,244 75
Balance to credit of School Tax, 30th September, 1877........ $306,850 67