STATEMENT E--Continued.
Brought Forward. .........................................
Saint Mary's County...............................................
Somerset County..................................................
Talbot County.................................................
Washington County............................................
Wicomico County..................................................
Worcester Connty...............................................
The Indigent Blind.................................................
Proceeds of York and Cumberland Railroad Bonds re-
invested in sterling bonds of the State and afterwards
exchanged for Preferred 6 per cent. Stock of the
$16,684 07
446 43
637 91
1,005 69
1,200 32
671 56
624 99
17,550 00
$110,766 34
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company..................
60,500 00
Balance to credit of the "Free School Fund," as of 30th
99,320 87
September 1877.............................................
$11,445 47
By Balance to the credit of Sinking Fund, as per Re-
port, September 30th, 1876..................................
There was received during the Fiscal Year 1877, to
the credit of "Sinking Fund," the sum of $5,733 69
from the following sources, viz .-
$28,408 87
Deaf and Dumb Asylum Loan— for interest accrued...
Maryland Defence Loan " " "
Maryland Hospital State Loan " " "
Maryland State Loan " " "
State 6 per cent. Stock, (old Stock,) " "
1,167 22
2,415 00
603 00
31 80
1,516 07
During the Fiscal Year 1877, the interest accrued to the
Sinking Fund, has been invested in Stock of the
Maryland State Loan, purchased for the said Fund
amounting with premium and interest accrued
$34,142 56
thereon to the sum of....................................
Balance of Cash standing to the credit of said Fund,
33,396 00
September 30th, 1877......................................
$748 56