officers of the Tax Department of that city. In the counties, suits
have been brought to recover the balances, and are in the hands of
the State's Attorneys for prosecution to settlement.
Table No. 16 exhibits a list of balances standing on the books of
this office, at the close of the fiscal year, against Sheriffs in various
counties, from 1848 to 1876, inclusive, amounting to $32,964.05,
exclusive of interest.
Table No. 17 exhibits the balances due from Clerks of Courts,
Registers of Wills, Notaries Public, and other officers therein named
at the close of the £scal year, amounting to $60,859.31. The
greater portion of this amount, which is regarded as collectible, has
been paid into the Treasury since the close of the fiscal year,
This Table also shows the estimated amount due from the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad Company, at the close of the fiscal year,
for the State's one-fifth of the receipts from passengers on the Wash-
ington Branch, to be $786,466.85, exclusive of interest.
Sutis have been brought for the recovery of this indebtedness,
and the cas;s have lately been heard, on appeal, by the Court of
Table No. 18 exbibits in detail, the amounts due from sundry In-
corporated Institutions for State taxes on shares of their capital
Stock, amounting to $39,046.57.
Table No. 19 exhibits in detail, the payments on account of special
appropriations during the fiscal year, with the Acts of Assembly
by which they have been respectively directed to be made. I have
thought it necessary to give these payments in detail, with names
and dates, for the inspection of your Excellency, and of the people
of the State, it bring imposiible, in the condensed form in which this
head appears in Statement "B," to cite the various Acts of Assembly
under which the several payments have been made, or to give the
names of the parties receiving the same.
The validity of the law taxing the gross receipts of Railroad
Companies, working their roads by steam power, has been estab-
lished by the decisions of the Court of Appeals, in the cases of the
State vs. the Northern Central Railway Company, and the Phila-
delphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company. I have
received information from the counsel of the latter Company, that
preparations are being made by that Company to settle its indebted-
ness to the State under that law, for the years from 1872 to 1876,