was made by which the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Com-
pany has agreed to put the transportation of prisoners to the
Institution and of the officers entrusted with its management,
and with the charge of prisoners to and from the station, at
twenty per cent, less than the minimum cost to other passen-
gers, and the freights to and from the Institution are to bo al-
ways at the lowest rates.
This point can be reached from the City of Baltimore in thirty
minutes by the ordinary trains, running with greater frequency
than on any other road leading from the city, and in twenty
minutes in case of an emergency, requiring greater haste. In
the event of an emeute, or a fire at the Institution, the officers
of the Company have given the assurance, that they will trans-
port the necessary force from the Camden Station to the Insti-
tution, in twenty minutes at any hour of the day or night.
The fuel necessary for the building and machinery, can be
transported within the walls at a cost not greater, than that of
reaching the depot in Baltimore, and thus what has been an
item of. vast expenditure to Institutions located off the immedi-
ate line of railroad transportation, will be saved in this instance,
and in a long series of years, the amount thus saved will pro-
bably be very large. It is believed by the officers entrusted
with the subject, that the smallest possible delay will accrue to
officers having charge of prisoners for delivery at the Institu-
tion from other portions of the State, and that they can be de-
livered at this point from the City of Baltimore, with more
expedition and at less cost, than at any point off the line of a
railroad, although within half a mile of th'e city limits. Clay
suitable for building purposes is certified to us by experienced
judges to be abundant on the premises. It is hoped and believed
that the action of the officers in regard to the selection of this
site will be generally approved.
The title to the property was certified by the Attorney Gen-
eral, and it has been conveyed to the Trustees named in the
Act to be held for the State of Maryland. Steps have been
taken to have the brick clay, dug and exposed to the action of
the frost, as soon as practicable, in order that no further delay
may be had in erecting the buildings, than is unavoidable on