" " Colored — free and slave................................................
15 of 1864 and Supplements
. $150 00
" U. S. Navy..................................................................
11,400 00
" " Printing and clerical service............................................
1,500 00
$13,350 00
Civil Officers — for Salaries paid to Governor and Secretary of State .......................
312 of 1872 and 332 of 1874.
7,208 32
' for Salaries paid Treasurer and Clerks...., .....................................
5,433 32
' for Salaries paid Comptroller and Clerks.......................................
7,833 31
" for Salary paid Commissioner of Land Office and Clerk...................
2,500 03
' for Salary paid State Librarian...................................................
1,500 00
for Salaries paid Seretary of Senate and Clerk of House of Delegates.
600 00
' for Salary paid Commissioner of Registration................................
130 of 1865......................
1,000 00
26,074 98
Colleges, Academies and Schools — Paid to
Agricultural College................................................................. .......
Chaps. 90 of '64, 46 and 415 of
'72,332 of '74..............
12,801 25
12,801 25
St. John's College.................................................................................
Res. 38 of 1811 and 41 of 1832,
and Chap. 332 of 1874......
25,000 00
25 000 00
Baltimore Female College................................................................
Chap. 332 of 1874.................
2,500 00
St. Mary's Female Seminary................................................................
312 of '72 and 332 of '74
2,500 00
Washington College...........................................................................
4,375 00
Allegany county Academy, and Academic Fund....................................
1,200 00
Anne Arundel county — Academic Fund.................................................
800 00
Baltimore county, " " ............................................
1,200 00
Calvert county, " " ............................................
1,200 00
Caroline county, " . " ............................................
1,200 00
Carroll county— Western Maryland College..............................................
1,090 00
Cecil county— Elkton and Nottingham Academies, and N.-East Classical Sem.
1,200 00
Charles county — Academic Fund.........................................................
400 00
Dorchester county — Cambridge and E. New Market Academies and Cambridge
Female Seminary..................................
1,300 00
Frederick county Frederick College and St. John's Literary Institute..........
1,200 00
Garrett county — Academic Fund...........................................................
1,200 00
Harford county — Harford and Darlington Academies...............................
1,150 00
Howard county-Academic Fund.............................................
1,200 00
Kent county — Millington and Shrewsbury Academies...............................
300 00
Carried forward.....................................................
$24,015 00
$220,540 54