STATEMENT A—Continued.
Brought Forward........................................
$797,222 20
Licenses, Wood Hucksters......................................................
955 50
Maryland Defence Loan and premium thereon...........................
268,697 50
Maryland Penitentiary........................................................
5,638 42
Northern Central Railway Company — annuity..........................
90,000 00
Oyster Fines.........................................................................
1,275 37
State Hay Scales..................................................................
1,312 07
State Tobacco Inspections..................................................
7,904 43
State Live Stock Scales..........................................................
5,153 87
State Wharves......................................................................
4,850 79
Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal Company..........................
75,000 00
State Tobacco Warehouses......................................................
9,472 05
Taxes, Direct — from Collectors..............................................
4,710 95
Bounty, " " ................................................
203,037 69
School, " " .............................................
401,567 18
Southern Relief, from Collectors.....................................
18,567 87
Deaf and Dumb, from Collectors...................................
14,309 98
Maryland Hospital, from Collectors...............................
26,362 87
House of Correction, from Collectors............................
11,885 83
State Normal School, " " ............................
3,961 79
Direct — From Incorporated Institutions........................
2,211 j^
Bounty, " ..................................
33,067 77
School, " ....................................
67,829 89
South. Relief, " ....................................
2,930 74
Deaf & Dumb " ....................................
2,683 20
Md. Hospital " ....................................
4,278 75
House of Correction, from Incorporated Institutions.........
2,927 88
State Normal School, from Incorporated Institutions.......
Bountyj Tax on State and other Stocks....
975 87
23,767 30
S. Relief, " " ...................
2,160 66
Deaf and Dumb " " ..............
1,852 86
Maryland Hospital " " ...........
3,240 99
House of Correction, Tax on State and other Stock .....
1,854 05
State Normal School " ' " .;........
618 02
Public School " " .....
41,783 69
on Civil Comissions..............
7,682 85
on Commissions of Executors and Administrators...............
72,017 19
on Collateral Inheritances..............................................
124,625 11.
' on Protests ................................................................
6,685 11
' on Gross Receipts of Railroad Companies........................
Conscience Fund — Received from some unknown person.............
1,872 521
250 00
Total Receipts during Fiscal Year, ended September 30th, 1874......
Balance in the Treasury September 30th, 1873............................
$2:357,202 72
484,810 22
$2,842,012 94
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