On the 30th September. 1873, there remained in the
Treasury, to the credit of the ''Free School Fund," the
sum of $14,220.08.............................................
$14,220 08
And there was received, during the Fiscal Year ended
September 30th, 1874, on account of the "Free School
Fund," the sum of $71,883.07 from the following
sources, viz :
From 20 cents Tax on each $100 of the notes in actual
circulation of the following Banks :
People's Bank, " ....................................
2 26
MarineBank, " ....................................
14 69
Bank of Commerce. " ....................................
13 03
Hagerstown Bank, " ...................................
Howard Bank. " ....................................
439 12
469 38
From Dividends on Stocks standing to the credit of the
Treasurer of Maryland, in the following Banks, viz :
Farmers National Bank of Annapolis.........................
1,116 00
National Bank of Baltimore.....................................
972 00
Central National Bank of Frederick........................
2,736 00
National Union Bank, Baltimore...............................
489 38
National Mechanics Bank, Baltimore.........................
487 20
Commercial and Farmers National Bank, Baltimore......
1,629 80
Easton National Bank, Easton................................
2,819 45
Farmers and Merchants National Bank. Baltimore.......
1,150 80
11,400 63
And from —
State 6 per cent, stock.............................................
530 16
Baltimore City 6 per cent, stock................................
6,783 54
York and Cumberland Rail Road Bonds,.....................
3,630 00
Surplus Revenue — transferred...................................
34,069 36
Indigent Blind — transferred as per Chap. 364 of 1872...
15,000 00
60,013 06
Making an aggregate of..............................
$86,103 15
Of this amount there wa§ disbursed, during the Fiscal
Year ended September 30tb, 1874, the sum of
$74,342.60 on the following accounts, viz:
Allegany County.................................................
3,121 74
Anne Arundel County..........................................
1.943 18
Baltimore City...................................................
8,744 96
Baltimore County................................................
3,344 55
Calvert County.....................................................
1,138 35
Caroline County ............................................
1,618 62
Carroll County...............................................
2,769 22
Cecil County.........................................................
2,350 37
Charles County.............................................
1,193 41
Dorchester County..................................................
1,954 07
Frederick County..................................................
4,141 09
Garrett County......................................................
2,301 94
Harford County....................................................
2,452 66
Howard County...................................................
1,631 97
Kent County ........................................................
1,708 87
Carried forward.....................................
$40,415 00
$86,103 00