Statement "G" shows the receipts during the fiscal year, from
dividends on Bank and Railroad Stocks, and interest on the bonds
of the Columbia and Port Deposit Railroad Company, amounting
in the aggregate, to the sum of $138,955.61.
No dividend has been received during the fiscal year, ended Sep-
tember 30th, 1813, from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Com-
pany, nor from the Bohemia Bridge Company.
The receipts on account of the "Oyster Fund," during the fiscal
_year, were larger than ever before, amounting to the sum of $65,-
490.55, as shown by statement "H." . The expenditures as detailed
in same statement, amounted during the fiscal year, to the sum of
$24,770.15, leaving the net amount accrued to the "Oyster Fund"
for the fiscal year, to be $40,719.80. The whole amount to the credit
of the "Oyster Fund" on 30th September, 1873, was $272,014.14.
Statement "J" gives in detail, the productive and unproductive
stocks in which the money of the State has been from time to time
invested. Those designated as productive, amount to $4,455,464.18.
The investments of the State which are now unproductive, amount
to $21,608,094.51. There is also a large amount due from Collectors,
Sheriffs and various Corporations, which, when collected, will, un-
der existing laws, be available to the ordinary requirements of the
Treasury, and the reduction of the Public Debt. The Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal, of whose stock so large a share of the unproductive
investments of the State consist, is gradually paying off the accru-
ed interest on the preferred bonds, and makes an exhibit which
promises at not a very distant period of time, to return something to
the State for her large outlay. The following statement of the affairs
of the Company for eighteen months, ending 30th November, 1873,
taken from the quarterly Report of the President and Directors, made
to the meeting of the Stockholders, gives an encouraging view of the
operations of the Company, notwithstanding the heavy expenditures
during the present year, from breaks and floods :
"The revenue over expenses from June 1st,
1872, to November 30th, 1873, was.. $450,397 40
The revenue over expenses from June
1870, to Nov. 30th, 1871................. 410,437 43
Increase in net revenue in favor
of 1873............................. $39,900 03