Comptroller of the Treasury.
Annapolis, January 1th, 18t4.
To the Honorable the General Assembly of Maryland:
In obedience to the Constitution and laws of the State, I respect-
fully submit the following report of the financial condition of the
Treasury Department, at the close of the fiscal year, ended 30th
September, 1873.
The total receipts from all sources during the fiscal year, amounts
to $2,i32,677.48, which, added to the balance in the Treasury at the
end of the fiscal year 1872, viz: $339,171110, make the total amount
in the Treasury during the fiscal year 1873, to be $2,771,848,58. Of
this amount, the sum of $301,125 was derived from the issue of
so much of the Maryland State Loan, authorized by the Act of 1872,
Chapter 366. This issue was made to retire a corresponding amount
of the sterling and currency debts of the State, presented at the Trea-
sury for redemption and exchange. The sum of $65,032.50 was reals
ized from the sale of $65,000 of Maryland Defence Loan, issued,
to reimburse the Treasury for bounties formerly paid in excess of
receipts from the bounty funds. This latter sum was paid to the
Southern Maryland Railroad Company, in pursuance of the Act of
1868, Chapter 454. This Act authorizes and directs the issue of
bonds, for the purpose of raising the means for paying the State's
subscription to the capital stock of Railroad Companies, organized
in Charles, Calvert and St. Mary's counties, whenever the ordinary
resources of the Treasury were not sufficient to meet the expenditure
for that purpose. The entire amount due by that Act to Charles