On the 30th September, 1872, there regained in the
Treasury, to the credit of the ' 'Free School Fund," the
sum of...........................................................
$7,623 97
$7,623 97
And there was received, during the Fiscal Year ended
September 30th, 1873, on account of the "Free School
Fund," the sum of $75,572.84, from the following
sources, viz :
From 20 cents Tax on each $100 of the capital stock of
the folio wing Banks :
Chesapeake Bank, Baltimore ....................................
719 80
People's Bank, " ....................................
1.539 00
Marine Bank, " ....................................
810 98
Bank of Commerce, " ....................................
1,000 00
Franklin Bank, " ....................................
1,253 50
Hagerstown Bank...................................................
300 00
5,623 28
From Dividends on Stocks standing to the credit of the
Treasurer of Maryland, in the following Banks, viz :
Farmers' National Bank of Annapolis........................
1,102 05
National Bank of Baltimore.....................................
972 00
Central National Bask of Frederick........................
2,736 00
National Union Bank, Baltimore...............................
456 75
National Mechanics' Bank. Baltimore........................
243 60
Commercial and Farmers' National Bank, Baltimore.....
2,950 50
Easton National Bank, Easton................................
1,475 60
9,930 50
And from —
State 6 per cent, stock.............................................
530 16
Baltimore City 6 per cent, stock................................
6,783 54
York and Cumberland Rail Road Bonds,.....................
3,630 00
Surplus Revenue — transferred...................................
34,069 36
Indigent Blind— transferred as per Chap. 3G4 of 1872...
15,000 00
60,013 06
Making an aggregate of..................................
$83,196 81
Of this amount there was disbursed, during the Fiscal
Year ended September 30th, 1873, the sum of
$68,976.73, on the following accounts, viz:
Allegany County..................................................
1,301 23
Anne Arundel County..........................................
2,273 67
Baltimore City......................................................
8,942 39
Baltimore County...................................................
3,537 77
Calvert County......................................................
1,320 13
Caroline County ....................................................
1,621 90
Carroll County......................................................
2,952 74
Cecil County.........................................................
2,028 72
Charles County......................................................
1,375 19
Dorchester County..................................................
1,969 28
Frederick County..................................................
4,490 39
Harford County....................................................
2,045 82
Howard County..............................................
1,913 98
Kent County ....................................................
1,793 35
Carried forward...........................................
$37,566 56
$83,196 81